I chose the following topic as an entry for a blogging competition I had in my college festival "PURPLE '10" .
The results of the competition is as yet unknown,& am hoping to get to know it soon,but thanks to my friends help,am pretty sure i'll win it..:)
Here's the link to the original post:
So read on & if you like it,click on the tab "bindass" at the top left corner on the above link.
Annoying people is really easy. Seriously, am not kidding. You all must have done it at some point in your life, whether it was when you were a kid & you used to do it just for fun or when you have grown up,all matured & just want some sadistic pleasure in life. Believe me, if i can do it, anyone can. And I must say, I have a hell lot of experience in it (in other words am just saying that am pretty good at it, so its better to remain in my good books :p).
Some people just love getting under other people’s skin. It just makes their day. And in most cases, it makes other people’s day too, because, well ultimately at the end of the day everyone loves a good laugh,& especially if it’s at someone else’s expense ;) Also with the stress filled work environment nowadays, a little fun doesn't hurt.
Its easy to laugh at others, but its always better to be on the lookout, lest you might be the next person to be targeted!
Its easy to laugh at others, but its always better to be on the lookout, lest you might be the next person to be targeted!
As with everything in life, there are as many different ways to annoy people as there are, well, people. Any tiny, insignificant thing can turn out to be just as irritating as major annoyances.
Ever wonder if your little quirks or big pet peeves annoy everyone around you?
Ever wonder if your little quirks or big pet peeves annoy everyone around you?
As you all have heard time & again "laughter is the best medecine". I have always taken this little quote to my heart. Maybe a bit too much :p
Being the perpetrator for other people’s grievances & a victim of others in some cases, I with the help of my friends have compiled a list of a few classic ways to annoy people.
Being the perpetrator for other people’s grievances & a victim of others in some cases, I with the help of my friends have compiled a list of a few classic ways to annoy people.
Read on..
1)One of the most common & sureshot ways to annoy a person is just repeating whatever the person says. 100 % success rate! Downside is that the victim might be of a resilient kind & not respond at all, so you might be the one to get annoyed in the end if such a thing happens!
2)Laugh. You can do one of two things with laughter. You can laugh at EVERYTHING that comes out of someone’s mouth, or if someone thinks they are hilarious, you laugh at nothing. Example: My cat died last night.HAHAHAHAHA. It annoys that person and maybe if you’re lucky annoys them to the point of tears. Meanwhile, the wannabe clown will hate you if you totally ignore his attempts at comedy.
3)Ask lame questions when a serious discussion is going on or answer every question with a question. Example: What do I mean? You don’t know what I mean? Are you sure? Are you kidding me? Know what I mean?
Or interrupt someone talking to you and ask, “Do you hear that?” When they ask “What?” quickly say, “Never mind, it’s gone now.” See how many times you can do this in a conversation.
Or interrupt someone talking to you and ask, “Do you hear that?” When they ask “What?” quickly say, “Never mind, it’s gone now.” See how many times you can do this in a conversation.
4)Always be late and expect your friends to wait for you. Better yet, offer to drive and then be late. That way, your friends can’t leave without you ;)
5)Stare at a person continuously & then look away suddenly when the person catches you staring at them. The person either thinks that you are checking them out, or they start wondering if there’s somethng wrong with their hair or outfit :p
6)Always “one up” everyone. If your friend has met Shahid Kapoor, then tell her about the time you met Sonia Gandhi. If your classmate wins a scholarship, mention that you’ve won five scholarships and a grant. If your sister was up all night with a bad cold, then make sure she knows you haven’t slept in three years due to a herniated septum. And throw in your bad back, too, just for good measure.
7)An age old way is to press all the buttons of the elevator before exiting. Whoever steps in the elevator next has to go through hell! Am a victim of these sometimes. Sigh, who said kids are angels?! :| :p
8)Another classic method, ring doorbells & run away. My friends still do it..they ring my doorbell & run..& I run with them ;)
9)One of the most annoying things in existence right now is chain messaging. The ones that say, “If you want to please so & so God or if you want to pass your exams or if you want to date your crush,forward this message to 10 people & you will get what you want”. yeah right! All you get is a big phone bill! such messages sure as hell irritate a lot, but the fun part is when people actually believe them! ;)
10)With the era of social networking namely facebooking, the concept of mass annoyance has come into existence. All you need to do is join as many lame groups & become a fan of as many pages as possible. For good measure answer stupid questions about people on your list you hardly know, compare them with others & send them hugs, smiles & all other useless things. In short flood their wall & notifications. This is one of the most annoying things that you can do. I should know since I am experiencing it currently, & once upon a time even led the brigade!
These were just a few most annoying ways out of thousands of others. Feel free to comment or better yet add to the list :)
P.S. Many thanks to Sahib & kawshi for helping me with the research of this topic. Couldn't have done this one without you guys!:)