A note from the blogger

I have an opinion on every other thing on earth (sometimes even beyond it), but am no Holden Caulfield ;)

This is not another diary disguised as a blog, but just an outlet for my thoughts, experiences, memories and opinions (Damn, I somehow managed to make it sound just like a diary). BUT(& its a very big butt, oops I mean but) I haven't shared my dreary, monotonous day to day happenings here, just some experiences and thought processes that are sometimes profound (quite by accident), funny (again accidentally) and some times outright weird (not accidentally).

So read on and subscribe if you like it. Feedback is appreciated. Happy reading!

P.S. Leave me a comment or shout-out if you like my posts, and I'll get back to you on it! :)


  1. I love your perspectives, and the way you express your self. Am sure there is a lot to learn from your life lenses.

  2. god god god i know tht girl who has lots and lots 2 share ......................

    what a drastic change in ur writing and ur blog looks kool.........hit me back .........after reading ur views abt life i can say tht v do have things in common .the perspective abt life and all............

    u r seriously one of a kind .

    ya and just coz of perspective matches i think i am one of a kind 2 ........lolzzzzz

    but if v have things

  3. Actually liked all articles, nice thoughts...Keep writing...

  4. Thoughts well put are rare to find! You got a very good style!
